Archive for the ‘Social media’ Category

What happened to summer?

Just when I’m getting ready to get into a summer frame of mind, it’s all over.

So, this afternoon while the sun was shining, the sky was blue and the temperature hovered near 80, I took some time off to spend an hour at one of my favorite spots in Saratoga Springs, Victoria Pool in Spa State Park and as I listened to Toby Keith warming up in the distance for tonight’s show at Saratoga Performing Arts Center said farewell to Summer 2009.

Victoria Pool_Saratoga Springs

And I don’t feel guilty!

Jargon Intimidation

Language is a great tool for making people feel either special or stupid.

If you’re feeling intimidated by the words being used to describe various aspects of New Media, try to isolate the definition to something that has meaning for you.

“Populate” basically means to add your database or contact list.

To “mash” means to combine dissimilar elements to create something new and different.

I know that I still start feeling overwhelmed when reading social media blogs and being confronted with a list of terms I’ve never seen before. That’s OK. Just think of the process as learning a new language and find a way to reward yourself for your continuing education.
