Posts Tagged ‘Daily Show’
Top TV Shows Of Conservatives & Liberals
The Experian Simmons annual survey of this year’s favorite TV shows ranked by political philosophy has been released. (Note that Independents and Libertarians aren’t listed.)
Conservatives’ Favs
1. Barrett-Jackson Auction
2. This Old House
3. The 700 Club
4. Swamp Loggers
5. Top Shot
6. The Bachelor
7. Castle
Liberals’ Favs
1. The Daily Show
2. Colbert Report
3. Masterpiece
4. 30 Rock
5. Parks and Recreation
6. The View
7. Glee
Your thoughts?
Words Have Consequences
Saturday’s assassination attempt of Arizona Representative Gabrielle Giffords which claimed six lives has some pointing an accusing finger at radio and cable TV hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, claiming they had a role in the incident by provoking an unstable person. But INSIDE RADIO reports that the talkers are pushing back, calling it an unfair attack on conservative hosts.
What do you think?
Update: 1/12/11
To alert people to this blog, I posted links on Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin. My experience is that my postings on Twitter never receive responses and are rarely retweeted but I view using it as a connection device to be a learning experience. On both Linkedin and Facebook, I don’t know if people actually link to this site to read the entire blog but they usually post their responses on those sites.
Not surprisingly, the responses tended to fall along party lines. Those folks whose politics tend toward the “progressive/liberal” camp seem to believe that the rhetoric heard on talk radio and cable TV in some way influenced the Tuscon tragedy. Those whose politics are more “conservative” seem to believe that liberals are trying to use the tragedy to impose restrictions on their First Amendment rights of free speech. Unfortunately, South Caroline Representative, James Clyburn (a Democrat) is fanning that particular flame by championing a return of the Fairness Doctrine. I’ve written previously about how anachronistic, outdated and absurd that notion is considering 21st Century communications technology.
In any case, the debate on this topic has certainly been lively. Although I have concerns about what sometimes seems like the irresponsible use of inflammatory rhetoric to manipulate audience reaction and ratings, my sense is that it wasn’t much of a factor in the case of the shootings in Arizona. I was especially impressed with these reactions from columnist David Brooks and The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart:
href=’’>The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Arizona Shootings Reaction
Daily Show Full Episodes | Political Humor & Satire Blog</a> | The Daily Show on Facebook |
Polls show that 60% of Americans don’t believe that political rhetoric caused Jared Loughner’s assassination attempt on Rep. Giffords. Nevertheless, it seems to me that those who dismiss the impact of inflammatory rhetoric are making a mistake. Research shows that humans, even those of us who relieve that we are reasonable and rational, react emotionally and then rationalize to reinforce their beliefs.
In times of economic instability like we’ve been experiencing for the past decade in the United States, fear, insecurity and distrust become more prevalent as what Seth Godin likes to call our lizard brain takes control. Couple with that the ability that we have with the internet, various cable TV and social media to filter the information we receive. Now, we can choose to avoid all that inconvenient information which doesn’t reinforce our beliefs.
I can recall watching coverage of the 2008 Presidential campaign when a woman in John McCain’s audience started ranting about how Obama was evil and wanted to destroy America. The woman looked like an average grandmother but she was regurgitating this rhetoric and McCain looked stunned and embarrassed. He felt it necessary to reassure her that Barack Obama was a good person and an honorable man, not something that this woman or his supporters wanted to hear.
Another woman waiting in line to enter a McCain/Palin rally told an interviewer that Obama was a socialist who wanted to destroy the country and that he wasn’t an American citizen. She was very matter-of-fact as if these were proven facts rather than unsubstantiated rumors spread through the internet.
Albany Times Union editor, Rex Smith makes some cogent observations in this recent editorial:
Those of us who’ve worked professionally in media know how easy it is to manipulate an audience. It can be a source of childish delight to watch your audience jump through hoops at your whim but it’s also important to take responsibility for your actions and for the results of those actions whether or not they are intended.
Words have consequences.
Rx: A Healthy Dose Of Humor
Opponents of President Obama’s health care proposals need to come up with something as entertaining as this bit from The Daily Show:
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
The Apparent Trap | ||||
Living In A Multi-Media World
“Don’t tell me you’re one of those people who get their news from the Daily Show!” exclaimed an acquaintance I saw at a BBQ this weekend.
Yes, I admit it. I get a lot of my information about what’s going on in the world from Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert along with Google News, daily email updates from our local Hearst Corp. newspaper, a weekly business-focused paper and CNN, our local Time-Warner Cable all-news channel, the local NPR affiliate, Don Imus’ morning show on WABC-AM, New York (online) and the CBS Sunday Morning show. Rarely, if ever, do I watch a national or local TV newscast. To be honest, they’re not even on my radar.
I also read the local Hearst newspaper on a daily basis, TIME magazine, Business Week, The New Yorker, U.S. News & World Report and Esquire.
I like that on Jon Stewart’s show nothing’s sacred. He mocks all hypocrites whether or not he’s on their side. Stewart will also engage in intelligent discussions with guests with whom he disagrees politically. William Kristol, Bill O’Reilly and John Bolton immediately come to mind.
I get concerned when people tell me that they only watch Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow on MSNBC, read The New York Times and listen exclusively to NPR or folks who only watch Fox News and Bill O’Reilly and who listen exclusively to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity on the radio. Rather than developing a broader perspective,
these people intentionally limit their input to reinforce one political viewpoint and that can be dangerous in a democracy.
It’s an interesting paradox that when there were fewer media outlets and less choice, we were exposed to many different ideas which we considered irrelevant or with which we disagreed. Now, in this age of virtually unlimited information sources, we can narrowly control the information to which we are exposed and which can reinforce our prejudices.
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