Buzz4Boomers March 6, 2011
The March 7th edition of Time magazine features a cover story about pain management and discusses how the new medical concept that chronic pain is a disease of the central nervous system is impacting the approaches that science and medicine are taking to help provide relief.,8599,2057269,00.html
Time also discusses non-pharmaceutical approaches using alternative treatments to ease pain including acupuncture and massage therapies. While reading these articles, I started thinking about about my daughter’s current project for her U.S. History course in which she’s researching PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and how it’s been viewed and treated in the context of various combat situations: The Civil War, World War I, World War II, Vietnam, Korea , Iraq and Afghanistan.
It also reminded me of a technique which I’d just learned about called “Tapping” which, in my admittedly primitive understanding, combines a mash-up of massage and acupuncture theories. “Tapping” is a term being used to describe EFT (Emotional Freedom Therapy) which was originally created by Gary Craig. This 19 minute video on the Stress Project site features vets from Vietnam and Iraq who suffer from PTSD and who have employed this therapy. I don’t doubt that you’ll be moved when you watch it.
EFT originator, Gary Craig retired in 2010 & transferred resources to the EFT Universe site. Craig warns about watered down or bastardized versions of EFT as “tapping” or “meridian tapping” therapies. You can see more details here.
The concept makes a certain amount of intuitive sense to me but I would need to explore it more fully. You can judge for yourself.
In the meantime, to quote Monty Python, “Now for something completely different”.
Digital media specialist and consultant, Shelly Palmer recommends that we fund PBS for just 3 more years and then cut them out of the budget. His argument centers around digital trends, not politics and whether or not you agree it’s an interesting read:
Buzz4Boomers March 3, 2011
Some items in the news which I think are relevant to our 21st Century
Boomer Experience.
Tablets are the hot new device in the social media world. Although I didn’t really want one, I received a Kindle as a Christmas present this year and, truth be told, the benefits of using it aren’t yet apparent to me. Since US News & World Report has ceased producing hard copies of the magazine, I do load the digital version of my subscription onto the Kindle but then I forget to read it. I’ve also loaded several ebooks which have been sitting unread in my PC files for ages. I haven’t read those either.
Nevertheless, like smartphones, tablets will become a more ubiquitous part of the Boomer lifestyle in coming years so it’s a good idea to stay abreast of new developments and improvements in the technology. Apple’s iPad 2 becomes available on March 11th. Here’s a review from Engadget:
The fervor and passion of today’s teens and young adults remind me of Boomers in the late 60s and early 70s. For instance, this story about using social media to keep women safe:
Remember the slogan, “Ford Has A Better Way” ? Bill Ford Jr. spoke yesterday at the TED Conference about his vision for your driving experience in the future:
If you run across a story which you believe might be interesting to fellow Baby Boomers, feel free to email it to me at
Buzz4Boomers March 1, 2011
Either because they’ve chosen to retire or because they’ve been eased out of companies into an involuntary state of unemployment, many members of the Baby Boom generation who still want to pursue productive careers have become entrepreneurs and started their own small businesses.
If you’re one of those Boomers who I’ve just described, I thought that you might find the information below interesting:
If novelty drives attention, perhaps you’ll find an idea here that inspires you
For years, there’s been an adage in the marketing community that older adults are brand loyal and aren’t worth the energy or investment needed to try and persuade them to switch. Of course, many of the people who believe this tend to be in their 20s! It may have been true of preceding generations but I would content that Boomers are a different breed. Although they may not be part of the “early adopter” cohort when it comes to new technology, Boomers aren’t Luddites, either. SmartPhone penetration among Boomers continues to increase so a significant percentage will have access to video on their phones within the next few years and it could become a significant factor for small business as part of the marketing mix.
Similarly, if you have expertise, podcasting (either audio or video) might be a venue to share your knowledge and build your brand. Here are some small business podcasting success stories.
Car & Driver Magazine predicts that internet in-car penetration will hit the 25% mark within the next five years which will make audio podcasts more accessible for drivers. Something to think about as you devise ways to build your brand and “drive traffic”.
Supporting New Zealand, Skype Improvments & More!
Here’s some information that I thought you’d find useful or at least interesting:
BrandSavant, Tom Webster tells us that some radio friends in New Zealand are asking for our help. They’re not looking for monetary donations but are instead asking that we send voice messages of encouragement and support which they can play over the air to help boost the spirits of their countrymen as they cope with the devastation caused by last week’s earthquake.
All you need to do is record a quick MP3 file that gives your name, where you are from, and a short (5-10 seconds) message of hope, to tell the people of New Zealand that we are thinking of them during this very dark time. Please email those .MP3 files to Tom at a special email address he’s set up at : Tom will make sure he gets them, and that your voices ring out across the Land Of The Long White Cloud.
Skype simplifies cheap overseas calling from any phone.
Linkedin Tool Visualizes Profile Updates in Your Network
How music can boost your immune system
Staying focused is tough especially when you’re a home-based entrepreneur. I never realized how ADHD I was until I left the corporate office world where I had specific work hours , a defined job description and a list of specified daily tasks and responsibilities. Working solo, developing a business from scratch and being based at home leaves everything wide open and undefined. It’s wonderful, exciting and overwhelming. This blog by “Hello, My Name Is Scott” Ginsberg offers some useful advise:
Adam Singer writes a digital marketing and PR blog called “Future Buzz”. Although his blog seems targeted at people in the Millenials and GenX’ers, it does contain advice that can be useful to entrepreneurial Boomers. For instance:
Boomer Authority is a web-based social network for Baby Boomers. The organization has a website named Boomer StrataGEMS which provides useful information like this:|StrataGEMS™)&utm_co
Check them out and let me know what you think about these ideas. I’d also be interested to learn what types of information would be of most interest to you!
Starting Over
Research shows that Baby Boomers who are unemployed are much less likely to be hired than other unemployed persons who are younger. So, even when the economy begins to recover in earnest there’s a strong possibility that Boomers will be sent to the back of the line when new jobs become available.
Many Boomers will sit around, complain about the system being unfair and expect a champion to save them. Others will recognize that it’s time to reevaluate their situation, readjust and move forward. The members of that group might be interested in these entrepreneurial small businesses which have been having some success using Facebook as a tool to connect with customers and sell their products.
Smartphone Decisions
Eighteen months ago, I inherited my wife’s old BlackBerry and started using it when I was at a convention. Previously, I’d been using an old Nokia as a cellphone just to check messages and to make or receive an occasional call. I didn’t want the outside world to be able to access me during every moment of every day. However, it dawned on me that it would be much easier checking and sending emails from the Blackberry while at the convention rather than lugging around my laptop and searching for WiFi hotspots.
Now, of course, I’m constantly checking email for business and texting with my family. My Blackberry isn’t particularly adept at connecting me with websites and I don’t have the ability to access apps. It seems like it’s time for me to graduate to a more advanced phone.
Many of my friends seem very happy with their Droid smartphones and it does seem like the Droid is replacing the BlackBerry as the phone most favored by traditional business people. The iPhone is favored by creative types and, let’s face it, Apple has been brilliant at positioning the iPhone as the standard by which all other smartphones are judge and at generating all the industry buzz.
But I don’t like to be cavalier when making these kinds of decisions. We became AT&T wireless customers years ago due to an arrangement made by a former employer. Although we live near an airport and the cellphone service near our house is terrible, we haven’t had many problems with AT&T. I’m not sure that switching to Verizon would make much sense or that Verizon’s much vaunted superior service will continue when all those AT&T customers transfer over and clog up the Verizon network.
It seems like there’s a lot to consider and that’s why I found this recent article by Shelly Palmer useful.”>
Augmented Reality To Enhance Music Experience
In late 2009, Augmented Reality was incorporated a book celebrating Michael Jackson’s career. Since then, I’m not aware that there’s been much buzz about AR in the music world. However, today I received this press release:
New “BEP360” App for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch Takes Fans Inside “The Time (Dirty Bit)” with 360-Degree Motion Control and Augmented Reality Developed by Peas Front Man
LOS ANGELES January 24, 2010 – Music industry pioneer and front man of The Black Eyed Peas,, today announced the iTunes App Store launch of BEP360, an iPad, iPhone and iPod touch app that immerses fans in a 360 degree universe of the legendary music group. Featuring the world`s first 360-degree view music video (“The Time 360”), BEP360 features the song “The Time (Dirty Bit),” the first single from new CD, “The Beginning”, now available on Interscope Records.
“will.i.apps and the BEP360 app have been established to help artists tap into the potential of our hyper-connected mobile world and bring fans deeper inside the music far beyond a four minute audio recording. It`s a unique and completely new way to experience 360 degree music immersion that will bring artists and fans closer together,” said
Key Features of BEP360
· Point iPad, iPhone and iPod touch device at the cover artwork of the band`s latest album, The Beginning (Interscope Records) and watch augmented reality take form with BEP avatars dancing to the beat
· Direct a virtual photo session with Fergie,, & Taboo allowing users to capture their own shots and share them.
· Stay up to date on everything about the Peas via an aggregated Twitter feed
· Play an addictive Peas-inspired puzzle game
· View pictures and comments posted by other BEP360 app users on a virtual earth
The BEP360 app is available for $2.99 from the App Store on iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, or at:
Image: As soon as you point your iPhone onto the CD a virtual 3D character appears and the music starts.
A demo of BEP360 app featuring The Black Eyed Peas and the making-of behind the scenes video can be seen at:
I’m going to be interested to follow this story over the next few weeks to learn how fans react and how the rest of the music industry responds.
Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes (continued)
Remember what the social media world looked like three years ago? Probably not because you’re too busy trying to keep up with the new products, devices and services which seem to pop up on your radar screen every day.
XKCD and the marketing firm Flowtown have created “The Map of Online Communities” based on information from sources such as USA Today, Alexa,and Compete which gives some great perspective on how this have changed in the world of social media over the past 36 months.
First, the map of online communities for 2007:
Compare that information with the map for 2010:
Can you find MySpace on the 2010 map? Look southwest of Facebook.
Also, note the growth of Farmville.
How do you think the map will change by 2013?
Thanks to Fred Jacobs of Jacobs Media bring the XKCD/Flowtown maps to my attention.
Words Have Consequences
Saturday’s assassination attempt of Arizona Representative Gabrielle Giffords which claimed six lives has some pointing an accusing finger at radio and cable TV hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, claiming they had a role in the incident by provoking an unstable person. But INSIDE RADIO reports that the talkers are pushing back, calling it an unfair attack on conservative hosts.
What do you think?
Update: 1/12/11
To alert people to this blog, I posted links on Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin. My experience is that my postings on Twitter never receive responses and are rarely retweeted but I view using it as a connection device to be a learning experience. On both Linkedin and Facebook, I don’t know if people actually link to this site to read the entire blog but they usually post their responses on those sites.
Not surprisingly, the responses tended to fall along party lines. Those folks whose politics tend toward the “progressive/liberal” camp seem to believe that the rhetoric heard on talk radio and cable TV in some way influenced the Tuscon tragedy. Those whose politics are more “conservative” seem to believe that liberals are trying to use the tragedy to impose restrictions on their First Amendment rights of free speech. Unfortunately, South Caroline Representative, James Clyburn (a Democrat) is fanning that particular flame by championing a return of the Fairness Doctrine. I’ve written previously about how anachronistic, outdated and absurd that notion is considering 21st Century communications technology.
In any case, the debate on this topic has certainly been lively. Although I have concerns about what sometimes seems like the irresponsible use of inflammatory rhetoric to manipulate audience reaction and ratings, my sense is that it wasn’t much of a factor in the case of the shootings in Arizona. I was especially impressed with these reactions from columnist David Brooks and The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart:
href=’’>The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
Daily Show Full Episodes | Political Humor & Satire Blog</a> | The Daily Show on Facebook |
Polls show that 60% of Americans don’t believe that political rhetoric caused Jared Loughner’s assassination attempt on Rep. Giffords. Nevertheless, it seems to me that those who dismiss the impact of inflammatory rhetoric are making a mistake. Research shows that humans, even those of us who relieve that we are reasonable and rational, react emotionally and then rationalize to reinforce their beliefs.
In times of economic instability like we’ve been experiencing for the past decade in the United States, fear, insecurity and distrust become more prevalent as what Seth Godin likes to call our lizard brain takes control. Couple with that the ability that we have with the internet, various cable TV and social media to filter the information we receive. Now, we can choose to avoid all that inconvenient information which doesn’t reinforce our beliefs.
I can recall watching coverage of the 2008 Presidential campaign when a woman in John McCain’s audience started ranting about how Obama was evil and wanted to destroy America. The woman looked like an average grandmother but she was regurgitating this rhetoric and McCain looked stunned and embarrassed. He felt it necessary to reassure her that Barack Obama was a good person and an honorable man, not something that this woman or his supporters wanted to hear.
Another woman waiting in line to enter a McCain/Palin rally told an interviewer that Obama was a socialist who wanted to destroy the country and that he wasn’t an American citizen. She was very matter-of-fact as if these were proven facts rather than unsubstantiated rumors spread through the internet.
Albany Times Union editor, Rex Smith makes some cogent observations in this recent editorial:
Those of us who’ve worked professionally in media know how easy it is to manipulate an audience. It can be a source of childish delight to watch your audience jump through hoops at your whim but it’s also important to take responsibility for your actions and for the results of those actions whether or not they are intended.
Words have consequences.